Freebie Rimini Desktop Wallpaper Calendar
Looking forward to your holiday in Rimini, or feeling nostalgic for one that’s already passed by? Visit Rimini have put together five free desktop Wallpaper Calendars for you to download, to keep Rimini a little bit more in mind.
The wallpapers come in three sizes, Large(2560×1440), Medium (1680×1050), and small (320×480). Click on the link for the size wallpaper that suits your screen-size.
To set as your wallpaper, click on the file-size you require then:
pc: Save the file to your desktop. Right click the file, and choose ‘set as wallpaper’.
mac: Save the file to your local desktop. Go to Preferences > Desktop & Screensaver > Desktop
Click the + sign (located bottom left)
Select the particular folder in which your wallpaper is located
Free Rimini Wallpaper Calendar July 2014
Small, Medium, Large
Small, Medium, Large
Small, Medium, Large
Small, Medium, Large
Small, Medium, Large