Visit Rimini

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The view from Onferno

Amazing colours in the late summer sky from the vantage point of Onferno, just outside Gemmano. Standing here looking out across the countryside you feel worlds away from the hustle and bustle of Rimini, but it’s just a shortish trip by car.

The view from Onferno across to San Marino

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More Rimini Photos

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  • Rimini on the beach - july 2014
  • Rimini in September - one season starts drawing to a close
  • Rimini Marina in the morning
  • Anna Magnani on a street sign in Rimini
  • The Rimini Kids' flea market
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  • Sunshine on Rimini Beach
  • Rimini Harbour - boats entering the porto canale
  • Celebrating the Festa de'Borg 2014, on the Ponte di Tiberio
  • Looking towards Gabbice
  • Antonio Gramsci tribute in Rimini
  • Montescudo clock tower - from the 14th century
  • preparations for the 2015 Notte Rosa
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  • Rimini's Nuovo Darsena