Visit Rimini

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When Italy went to war with the esperanto micro-nation Insulo de la Rozoj

Saturday, September 5th, 2009

Perhaps it’s not surprising that few people, up until recently, have heard of the small sovereign (though unrecognised internationally) state of the Isola delle Rose (Rose Island) – or to give it its official title, in esperanto, Insulo de la Rozoj. It’s foundation and eventual destruction – at the hands of Italian military engineers – […]

Rimini holds steady as a holiday destination – against the national trend

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

The holiday sector, like all others, is in a downturn at the moment. Italy, one of the world’s most visited countries thanks to its food, culture and climate, has itself suffered a drop of somewhere between 6-7% in visitors this year, leading to fears about job losses in the tourism sector. Rimini, though, bucks the […]

The World’s longest underwater kiss

Monday, July 27th, 2009

The mind boggles – but when the sun is out, and the warm winds are blowing up and down the coast, you need to take your mind off things and relax, and for some people that means going to Aquafan, one of the Adriatic Riviera’s many theme parks (there are so many that there’s a […]