Visit Rimini

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Touring inland around Rimini

One of the first things to hit any curious tourist visiting Rimini, is how beautiful and hidden the inland area is. So much of the publicity material for the city – justifiably – concentrates on the kilometres of beachfront, the hotels, discos, and fun of the coastline, while neglecting to mention that there’s a completely different world just a couple of kilometres inland.

Even Rimini city itself is divided between the tourist areas of Marina Centro and the historic town centre, which is often completely overlooked by beach-hugging tourists. No visit to Rimini could be complete without a stroll around the main town centre, taking in the sites like the Tempio Malatestiana, the Ponte di Tiberio, Piazza Tre Martiri, Piazza Cavour etc., or sipping an apperitivo in the wonderfully atmospheric square of the vecchia Pescheria.

But that’s only the half of it. The Province of Rimini, with the collaboration of the WWF and C.A.I have just released a brochure (in italian), Sentieri – Percorsi riminesi tra natura e storia, listing various hikes and walks that can be easily taken from Rimini into its hinterland. Hikes, for example, like the one from the Ponte Verucchio up to the Valmarecchia park and Montebello castle (13km).

We’ll be getting together a whole section on hikes and walks in the coming weeks. Check back for details.

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