Visit Rimini

Rimini Mayor officially welcomes guests for Ferragosto

On Friday morning Rimini’s mayor, Alberto Ravaioli, kicked off the celebrations for Italy’s biggest summer holiday weekend, Ferragosto, by publishing an official welcome note to the thousands of holidaymakers who have arrived in the Adriatic Riviera’s capital.

“Dear friends, happy Ferragosto and welcome to Rimini.

There’s no more beautiful or enjoyable place in the world to celebrate the ‘Summer’s New Year’s Eve’. 24 incredible and unforgettable hours amongst 13 kilometres of coast, the historic city centre, the surrounding countryside, the bars and restaurants, our people: Rimini is Ferragosto, the joy of spending time together, at the same time ‘being on holiday’.


The 15th of August is the birthday of all of you, the day in which you’re at the centre of attention happy and excited. And that’s the secret of our city: during every festival, in every corner, in every moment, the guest is always the star. The memory of a magnificent day is the rare gift that you can bring away with you for the rest of your life.”

The Mayor’s welcome kicks off what promises to be a great weekend. As I write this the  sun is out, the weather is hot, and the sea is calling. There are events planned throughout the city, and the party has already started!

Buon Ferragosto a tutti from all of us at!