Visit Rimini

Rimini gets the blue flag – again

For the eigth year running Rimini has been awarded the blue flag.

The blue flag is a mark awarded by the Foundation for Environmental Education, to recognise various elements including cleanliness of beaches, quality of bathing water etc. The award was initially a French initiative, born in 1985, to single out beaches and bathing spots that provided a clean and safe environment – with particular reference to the cleanliness of water vis a vis waste sewage. In 1987, the European Year of the Environment the blue flag was adopted as a European wide inititiave, and nowadays has spread to include countries outside Europe like South Africa, Canada, Morocco, Tunisia, New Zealand -with pilot programs being launched in many more.

While we, at this blog, spend a lot of time enthusing about the various delights that Rimini holds away from the seashore, this blue flag gives us a timely reminder that a huge amount of the attraction that Rimini holds is because of the fine golden beaches and safe clean bathing water.

We’re looking forward to taking the first dip of the season this weekend!