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2000 Years of History

This year, 2014, the Ponte di Tiberio celebrates 2000 years since the start of its construction. A truly marvellous, mysterious and beautiful piece of architecture and history.

The 2000 Year Old Ponte di Tiberio

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More Rimini Photos

  • Under the Augustus Arch - Rimini
  • Rimini in September - one season starts drawing to a close
  • The Arco d'Agosto lit up in preparation for the Notte Rosa
  • Arco Clemente XIV Santarcangelo di Romagna
  • Julius Caesar Statue in Rimini's Piazza Tre Martiri
  • Pontile Rimini Bagno 41
  • A view from Montescudo Rimini
  • preparations for the 2015 Notte Rosa
  • Piazzale Kennedy Rimini, during the Rimini Street Food festival
  • The Rimini Kids' flea market
  • San Marino viewed from Santarcangelo di Romagna
  • Via Forzieri in Borgo San Giuliano Rimini
  • Rimini's Tempio Malatestiano in a different light
  • Sunshine on Rimini Beach
  • Rimini's La Notte Rosa