Visit Rimini

Good start to the summer season, as Rimini’s hotels fill for Easter

All things considered – a worldwide financial crisis, and a pessimistic weather forecast for the Easter weekend – the kick-off to the summer tourist season went well for Rimini this last weekend. About 800 of Rimini city’s hotels were open for the first big weekend of 2009’s season, and occupancy rates were between 50-70%.

The annual Paganello frisbee festival brought a good crowd of competitors and spectators, with lots of fun to be had on the beach, spirits refusing to be chilled by the persistent wind. There was music, dancing, and plenty of partying to go on.

At the same time plenty of Italian families once more chose the Riviera for their Easter break. The financial crisis paradoxically is far from bad news for Rimini, given that its tourism is traditionally based around good value.

There were some polemics – as to be expected. Italian weather forecasters once more came under fire, having predicted poor weather conditions for the Riviera coast over the weekend, something that no-doubt influenced many Italian families to stay at home.

Beach operators also came under fire, as many of them remained closed for the weekend, leaving unsightly concrete slabs and windbreakers up.

Onwards and upwards, as we face into the 2009 season.